Table of Contents
- Top 3 Best Oatmeal Brands
- Are Organic Oats Good For You?
- What to Look for When Shopping for the Healthiest Oat Brands?
- 10 Best Organic Oatmeals
- #1 Bob's Red Mill Instant Rolled Oats
- #2 McCann's Irish Oatmeal - Best Organic Oatmeal For Babies
- #3 Nature's Path Original Instant Oats - Best Vegan Organic Rolled Oats
- #4 Great River Organic Milling, Oatmeal - Best Natural Steel Cut Oats
- #5 Kauffman's Organic Oats - Best Organic Rolled Oats for Home Baking
- #6 Royal Lee Organics Oats - Best Whole Grain Natural Oat Groats
- #7 Quaker Old-Fashioned Rolled Oats
- #8 Flahavan's Irish Steel Cut Oatmeal
- #9 Earnest Eats Gluten-Free Superfood Oatmeal
- #10 Modern Oats Apple Walnut Oatmeal
- Final Thoughts
- FAQs On Best Organic Oatmeal
Nothing beats a healthy bowl of Best Organic Oatmeal in the morning. Oatmeal has, for a long time, been a staple breakfast meal in America and Europe. Today, oatmeal is an ingredient in almost every other breakfast cereal you pick. The meal is nutritious and delicious.
While organic oats and conventional oats give you the same nutrients, organic oats are safer for your body and to the environment, as there are no chemicals in the production process. The oats go through a short production process that leaves the grains whole and very nutritious. With so many types of oats, how do you pick the best organic oatmeal?
Top 3 Best Oatmeal Brands
Product | Features | Rating |
Our #1 rated Bob's Red Mill Instant Rolled Oats | ||
McCann's Irish Oatmeal | ||
Nature's Path Original Instant Oats |
What is the Healthiest Oatmeal?
Are you looking for a healthy oatmeal option? With so many options on the market, it might be a daunting task choosing the best, especially if you have never bought oatmeal before. For starters, you need to understand the different types of oatmeal.
When you see whole oats on the market, it means they have all the three main parts of an oat seed; the endosperm, germ, and bran. From the endosperm, you get proteins and starch. The cereal germ is rich in vitamins, while the bran is rich in fiber. Some of the types of oats on the market include:
Whole Oat Groats
Groats are the most nutritious types of oats as they contain the endosperm, cereal germ, and bran. These cannot be offered as instant--breakfast options as they require soaking before cooking. The grains remain chewy even after cooking.

Instant Oats
Instant oats are very common. All you need is to take the oats and dip them in hot water or hot milk, and you are good to go. These types are easy to make, but they are more processed than other types. As such, you may not get the whole grain. The oatmeal comes pre-cooked and dried, so it only takes you less than a minute to prepare. Again, most of these oats have flavors and sweeteners.

Rolled Oats
Rolled oats are among the most common, and you can use them in so many home recipes. The grains are exposed to steam and then pressed using steel rollers. The rolling process makes the oats thin to reduce cooking time and create a smooth texture.

Steel Cut Oats
Unlike rolled grains, the steel-cut grains are cut into small pieces to increase surface area. The steel-cut oats take longer to cook, and you can use them in so many recipes at home.

Oat Bran
True to its name, this is an oat grain without the cereal germ and the endosperm. These are very nutritious and provide a lot of fiber. If you need a meal that gives you satiety without giving you fat and starch, this might be the healthiest best organic oatmeal for you.

Are Organic Oats Good For You?
Natural Oats are very healthy. Organic oats do not have chemicals, and they are processed less to give you the full advantages of whole grains. By taking organic oats, you get the following benefits:
Oats have important phytochemicals that will help you fight cancer. These phytochemicals are known to reduce the risk of hormone-related cancer, such as prostate and breast cancer. Nevertheless, organic oats deliver numerous types of vitamins for our kid's daily ratio but we still must consider using extra organic multivitamins for kids.

What to Look for When Shopping for the Healthiest Oat Brands?
10 Best Organic Oatmeals
#1 rated

#1 Bob's Red Mill Instant Rolled Oats
Best Oatmeal Overall
- Contains natural rolled oats and organic cinnamon sweetened with natural can sugar. No flavoring or artificial sweeteners you might find in conventional oatmeal.
- It is ideal if you are looking for organic, certified Kosher, and vegetarian oatmeal. Every ingredient is naturally grown and harvested in hygienic conditions.
- Ensures that no fungicides, pesticides, or any other chemicals. The company guarantees that the ingredients are not genetically engineered.
- Offers three grams of protein and fiber per serving. Besides, it provides almost zero sodium and fat. It is 100 percent whole grain to give you all the profits of full grains. You can prepare the meal in two minutes or less.
- The best oats to make Sweet Coconut Oatmeal in the morning. Of course use only the organic coconut milk.
- 100 percent whole grain
- Vegan/Vegetarian
- Certified Kosher
#2 rated

#2 McCann's Irish Oatmeal - Best Organic Oatmeal For Babies
- McCann promises quality and purity in every can of natural oatmeal they produce. The company has operated in Ireland for more than 150 years, making oatmeal and serving millions of people.
- Naturally grown in Ireland with no chemicals. They are then processed lightly in hygienic conditions. You will, therefore, get the wholesomeness of grains.
- Contains insoluble fiber, which makes it an excellent choice for anyone with digestive health issues. It also has soluble fiber low in cholesterol and saturated fiber to reduce the risk of heart disease.
- Almost no sodium, which protects your heart's health. With each can, you get 100 percent whole grains steel cut into small pieces for easy preparation. McCann promises that the oats are organic, and no genetic modifications where made.
- Has soluble and insoluble fiber
- Steel-cut whole 100 percent whole grains
- Non-GMO
#3 rated

#3 Nature's Path Original Instant Oats - Best Vegan Organic Rolled Oats
- Comes as a package of 6 boxes of oatmeal, each box containing 1.7 ounces of oatmeal.
- The package features organic whole-grain rolled oats that are chewy with a creamy texture. All the ingredients are organic for your safety. Better yet, you can serve it hot or cold with preparation taking less than five minutes.
- The U.S Department of Agriculture has certified this as an organic product. Nature's Path promises that the oats are non-GMO. The company lightly processes the oats, following sustainable processes.
- With every pack, you get 50 grams of whole grains and 8 grams of protein per serving. Each serving has no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives.
- Follows sustainable food processing methods to save the environment.
- Rolled oats
- USDA certified organic
- Vegan
#4 rated

#4 Great River Organic Milling, Oatmeal - Best Natural Steel Cut Oats
Best Natural Steel Cut Oats
- Is one of the best-cut natural oatmeal, making it delectable. Great River cuts the groats into small pieces, making them easy to prepare and very delicious. The meal has a naturally nutty flavor but with a thick texture.
- Oats in this package are farmed naturally in Ireland. The steel-cut oats might take longer to cook, but the flavor is worth the wait.
- Contains no chemicals. The whole grains provide 5 grams of fiber for good digestive health, enough plant-based protein, and iron.
- Is certified organic, and KOSHER approved. You can see that only organic grains are used, and the company promises that everything is non-GMO. You can store the steel cut oats in the pantry, but if you buy in bulk, you need to refrigerate them.
- 100 Percent whole-grain
- 5g of fiber per serving
- Certified organic
#5 rated

#5 Kauffman's Organic Oats - Best Organic Rolled Oats for Home Baking
Best Organic Rolled Oats for Home Baking
- Rolled oats made from kilned whole groats. The groats are lightly processed in steam and then flaked. These oats are certified organic – from the growing to the processing.
- These oat flakes are best when hot. Kauffman promises that the oats are non-GMO and come loaded with healthy nutrients, including fiber, protein, and iron.
- Oregon Tilth has certified the oatmeal as purely organic.
- Kauffman Fruit Farm packages the oatmeal in random weights, allowing you to get as much as you need. You can use these U.S.A grown and processed oats in home baking, thanks to their flaked nature. Better yet, you only need a few minutes to prepare the oatmeal.
- Rolled oats
- Non-GMO
- Kilned whole groats
#6 rated

#6 Royal Lee Organics Oats - Best Whole Grain Natural Oat Groats
Best Whole Grain Natural Oat Groats
- Oat Groats have not been rolled or cut, so you get the entire grain as it is from the farm. This way, you can grind the oats into flour or cook them and eat them as a rice substitute.
- You can use the oat flour in so many recipes, and it is even better than you can select the coarseness of the flour you want. It takes longer to prepare a meal, but the flavor is worth the wait.
- It is USDA organic certified, gluten-free, non-GMO, and the grains come in high-pressure sealed packages.
- The package has no sodium or sugars, making it very healthy. Each serving gives you 5 grams of fiber and 8 grams of protein.
- Whole grain oat groats
- Gluten-free
- High-pressure sealed packaging
#7 rated

#7 Quaker Old-Fashioned Rolled Oats
Best Organic Oatmeal for making Oatmeal Cookies
- You will get four bags of oats in this package of rolled oats. These oats are ideal for making overnight oats, breakfast oatmeal, and oatmeal cookies among so many other recipes. It comes in 24-ounce resealable bags, allowing you to store then in your pantry.
- Comes as sodium-free whole-grain oats that you can consume with the flavor you need. Quaker recommends eating the oats with honey, cinnamon, and fresh or dried fruits.
- It has a neutral flavor, letting you enjoy the natural flavor of whole grain oats.
- USDA certified organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free.
- Sodium free
- Natural oats flavor
- Rolled oats
#8 rated

Best Oatmeal to Experience Natural Taste of Oats
- Flahavan is a family-owned oatmeal business that has operated in Ireland for a very long time. The oats they sell are grown and processed in Ireland following strict organic farming guidelines.
- The company promises no chemicals in the oatmeal, no flavoring, no artificial sweeteners, and the product is non-GMO.
- Each package is Kosher certified organic. The oat variety used in making this oatmeal is called Barra; it is a distinctive and sweet flavor.
- This steel-cut oatmeal is healthier and can be used in so many recipes.
- Non-GMO
- Barra oat variety
- Sodium-free
#9 rated

#9 Earnest Eats Gluten-Free Superfood Oatmeal
Best Instant Breakfast Option
- If you need the best organic oatmeal for instant breakfast, the Earnest Eats oatmeal might be an excellent option for you. The meal comes with oats, quinoa, and amaranth. It is an ideal meal if you need a better flavor and not the natural flavor of oats.
- Comes pre-cooked, and all you need to do is add hot water, and you are good to go. Some of the superfoods that make this oatmeal great include cocoa, natural nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and cashews.
- Great flavor from fruits, nuts, and seeds are considered as superfoods. All the ingredients are natural and processed in a factory that observes high standards of hygiene.
- The non-GMO formula is organically certified. It offers you 8 grams protein and 7 grams of fiber.
- Instant breakfast
- Oats, quinoa, and amaranth
- All-natural superfoods ingredients
#10 rated

#10 Modern Oats Apple Walnut Oatmeal
Most Flavorful Instant Natural Oatmeal
- If you need nutrient-packed rolled oatmeal, the Apple Walnut Oatmeal from Modern Oats might be an excellent choice for you.
- The meal is a blend of rolled oats, apples, and walnuts to give you a great flavor and a horde of nutrients.
- The formula is non-genetically modified and certified organic.
- Great taste from a blend of superfruits, nuts, and seeds with cane sugar sweetening.
- Packed in single-serving cuts for a quick and healthy breakfast on-the-road – the meal is pre-cooked, and all you have to do is to add hot water, let the water absorb, and start eating.
- Single-serving cup
- Fruit and nuts flavor
- Apples and walnuts included
Final Thoughts
You do not have to try out all the organic oatmeal products on the list above. You can pick a few that stands out and try them out. The best organic oatmeal comes in a packaging that gives you the exact quantity you need. Of the ten products above, the Bob's Red Mill Instant Rolled Oats stands out more according to my review.
It is not only affordably priced but also instant rolled oats, which makes it a great breakfast option. In a minute, you will be eating your breakfast. It is a vegan option that comes with all the necessary certifications for an organic product. Try it out today.
FAQs On Best Organic Oatmeal
Bob's Red Mill Instant Rolled Oats

Contains natural rolled oats and organic cinnamon sweetened with natural can sugar. No flavoring or artificial sweeteners you might find in conventional oatmeal. It is ideal if you are looking for organic, certified Kosher, and vegetarian oatmeal. Every ingredient is naturally grown and harvested in hygienic conditions. Ensures that no fungicides, pesticides, or any other chemicals. The company guarantees that the ingredients are not genetically engineered. Offers three grams of protein and fiber per serving. Besides, it provides almost zero sodium and fat. It is 100 percent whole grain to give you all the profits of full grains. You can prepare the meal in two minutes or less. The best oats to make Sweet Coconut Oatmeal in the morning. Of course use only the organic coconut milk.
Product SKU: B004VLVBSO
Product Brand: Bob's Red Mill Instant Rolled Oats
Product Currency: $
Product Price: 20.77
Price Valid Until: 2022-05-01
Product In-Stock: InStock